Source code for cobamp.core.linear_systems

import abc
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import numpy as np
import optlang
from optlang.symbolics import Zero


[docs]def get_default_solver(): if CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SOLVER: return CUSTOM_DEFAULT_SOLVER else: for solver in SOLVER_ORDER: if optlang.list_available_solvers()[solver]: return solver
[docs]def get_solver_interfaces(): s = {} for solver, status in optlang.list_available_solvers().items(): if status: s[solver] = eval('optlang.' + solver.lower() + '_interface') return s
SOLVER_INTERFACES = get_solver_interfaces() DEFAULT_SOLVER = get_default_solver() VAR_CONTINUOUS, VAR_INTEGER, VAR_BINARY = ('continuous', 'integer', 'binary') VAR_TYPES = (VAR_CONTINUOUS, VAR_INTEGER, VAR_BINARY) VARIABLE, CONSTRAINT = 'var', 'const' SENSE_MINIMIZE, SENSE_MAXIMIZE = ('min', 'max')
[docs]def fwd_irrev(lb, ub): """ Args: lb: ub: """ return ((lb >= 0) and (ub >= 0)).astype(int)
[docs]def bak_irrev(lb, ub): """ Args: lb: ub: """ return ((lb < 0) and (ub <= 0)).astype(int)
[docs]def fix_backwards_irreversible_reactions(S, lb, ub): """ Args: S: lb: ub: """ S = np.array(S) lb, ub = np.array(lb), np.array(ub) fwd_irrev_index, bak_irrev_index = [[i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if fx(lb[i], ub[i])] for fx in [fwd_irrev, bak_irrev]] # irrev = np.union1d(fwd_irrev_index, bak_irrev_index) if len(bak_irrev_index) > 0: S[:, bak_irrev_index] = -S[:, bak_irrev_index] ub_temp = ub[bak_irrev_index] ub[bak_irrev_index] = -lb[bak_irrev_index] lb[bak_irrev_index] = -ub_temp return S, lb, ub, fwd_irrev_index, bak_irrev_index
[docs]def make_irreversible_model(S, lb, ub): # lb, ub = np.array(lb), np.array(ub) # # fwd_irrev = lambda lb, ub: (lb >= 0) and (ub >= 0) # # bak_irrev = lambda lb, ub: (lb < 0) and (ub <= 0) # # fwd_irrev_index, bak_irrev_index = [[i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if fx(lb[i], ub[i])] for fx in [fwd_irrev, bak_irrev]] """ Args: S: lb: ub: """ S, lb, ub, fwd_irrev_index, bak_irrev_index = fix_backwards_irreversible_reactions(S, lb, ub) irrev = np.union1d(fwd_irrev_index, bak_irrev_index) # irrev = np.array([i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if not (lb[i] < 0 and ub[i] > 0)]) rev = np.array([i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if i not in irrev]) # if len(bak_irrev_index) > 0: # S[:, bak_irrev_index] = -S[:, bak_irrev_index] # ub_temp = ub[bak_irrev_index] # ub[bak_irrev_index] = -lb[bak_irrev_index] # lb[bak_irrev_index] = -ub_temp Sr = S[:, rev] offset = S.shape[1] rx_mapping = {k: v if k in irrev else [v] for k, v in dict(zip(range(offset), range(offset))).items()} for i, rx in enumerate(rev): rx_mapping[rx].append(offset + i) rx_mapping = OrderedDict([(k, tuple(v)) if isinstance(v, list) else (k, v) for k, v in rx_mapping.items()]) S_new = np.hstack([S, -Sr]) nlb, nub = np.zeros(S_new.shape[1]), np.zeros(S_new.shape[1]) for orig_rx, new_rx in rx_mapping.items(): if isinstance(new_rx, tuple): nub[new_rx[0]] = abs(lb[orig_rx]) nub[new_rx[1]] = ub[orig_rx] else: nlb[new_rx], nub[new_rx] = lb[orig_rx], ub[orig_rx] return S_new, nlb, nub, rx_mapping
[docs]class LinearSystem(): """An abstract class defining the template for subclasses implementing linear systems that can be used with optimizers such as CPLEX and passed onto other algorithms supplied with the package. Must instantiate the following variables: S: System of linear equations represented as a n-by-m ndarray, preferrably with dtype as float or int __model: Linear model as an instance of the solver. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta model = None
[docs] def was_built(self): if self.model != None: return (len(self.model.variables) != 0) or (len(self.model.constraints) != 0) else: return False
[docs] def select_solver(self, solver=None): """ Args: solver: """ if not solver: solver = get_default_solver() self.interface = SOLVER_INTERFACES[solver] else: if solver in SOLVER_INTERFACES: self.interface = SOLVER_INTERFACES[solver] else: raise Exception(solver, 'Solver not found. Choose from ', str(list(SOLVER_INTERFACES.keys()))) self.solver = solver
[docs] def get_configuration(self): return self.model.configuration
[docs] def set_default_configuration(self): cfg = self.model.configuration try: cfg.tolerances.feasibility = 1e-9 cfg.tolerances.optimality = 1e-9 cfg.tolerances.integrality = 1e-9 cfg.lpmethod = 'auto' cfg.presolve = True except: print('Could not set parameters with this solver')
[docs] def get_constraint_bounds(self, constraints=None): """ Args: constraints: """ return [(, c.ub) for c in (self.model.constraints if constraints == None else constraints)]
[docs] def get_constraint_matrices(self, constraints=None, vars=None): """ Args: constraints: vars: """ return [self.get_system_matrix(constraints, vars)] + list(zip(*self.get_constraint_bounds(constraints)))
[docs] def get_system_matrix(self, constraints=None, vars=None): """ Args: constraints: vars: """ var_list = self.model.variables if vars == None else vars cons_list = self.model.constraints if constraints == None else constraints var_dict = dict(list(zip(*list(zip(*enumerate(var_list)))[::-1]))) cnst = cons_list def row_factory(mask, values): row = np.zeros([1, len(var_list)]) # print(len(mask), len(values), row.shape) row[:, mask] = values return row def get_mask_value_list(constraint): if constraint.indicator_variable == None: return list(zip( *[(var_dict[var], value) for var, value in constraint.get_linear_coefficients(var_list).items()])) else: return [(0, 1), (0, 0)] A = np.vstack([row_factory(*get_mask_value_list(c)) for c in cnst]) return A
[docs] def set_number_of_threads(self, n_threads=0): """Defines the amount of threads available for the solver to use. :param n_threads: Number of threads available to the solver. Set to 0 if default parameters are needed :return: Args: n_threads: """ cpu_c = cpu_count() is_positive = n_threads >= 0 actual_threads = n_threads if not is_positive: warnings.warn('Threads cannot be set to negative values. Using default values') actual_threads = 0 if n_threads > cpu_c: warnings.warn('User-defined number of threads exceeds the amount of physical threads') if self.solver == 'CPLEX': self.model.problem.parameters.threads.set(actual_threads) elif self.solver == 'GUROBI': self.model.problem.Params.Threads = actual_threads else: warnings.warn('Could not set threads for ' + str(self.solver) + ' instance. Not yet implemented!')
[docs] def set_working_memory_limit(self, workmem): """Defines the amount of memory available for the solver to use. Use this at your own peril! :param n_threads: Memory in MegaBytes available to the solver :return: Args: workmem: """ is_positive = workmem >= 0 actual_mem = workmem if not is_positive: warnings.warn('Threads cannot be set to negative values. Using default values') else: if self.solver == 'CPLEX': self.model.problem.parameters.workmem.set(actual_mem) elif self.solver == 'GUROBI': self.model.problem.Params.NodefileStart = actual_mem / 1024 else: warnings.warn('Could not set threads for ' + str(self.solver) + ' instance. Not yet implemented!')
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def build_problem(self): """Builds a CPLEX model with the constraints specified in the constructor arguments. This method must be implemented by any <LinearSystem>. Refer to the :ref:`constructor <self.__init__>` ------- """ pass
[docs] def get_model(self): """Returns the model instance. Must call <self.build_problem()> to return a CPLEX model. ------- """ return self.model
[docs] def get_stoich_matrix_shape(self): """Returns a tuple with the shape (rows, columns) of the supplied stoichiometric matrix. ------- """ return self.S.shape
# def empty_constraint(self, b_lb, b_ub, dummy_var=Variable(name='dummy', lb=0, ub=0)):
[docs] def empty_constraint(self, b_lb, b_ub, **kwargs): """ Args: b_lb: b_ub: **kwargs: """ return self.interface.Constraint(Zero, lb=b_lb, ub=b_ub, **kwargs)
[docs] def dummy_variable(self): return self.interface.Variable(name='dummy', lb=0, ub=0)
[docs] def populate_model_from_matrix(self, S, var_types, lb, ub, b_lb, b_ub, var_names, only_nonzero=False, indicator_rows=None): """ Args: S: Two-dimensional np.ndarray instance var_types: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of columns of S containing variable types (e.g. lb: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of columns of S containing the lower bounds for all variables ub: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of columns of S containing the upper bounds for all variables b_lb: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of rows of S containing the lower bound for the right hand b_ub: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of rows of S containing the upper bound for the right hand var_names: string identifiers for the variables only_nonzero: indicator_rows: """ self.add_variables_to_model(var_names, lb, ub, var_types) self.add_rows_to_model(S, b_lb, b_ub, only_nonzero, indicator_rows)
[docs] def populate_constraints_from_matrix(self, S, constraints, vars, only_nonzero=False): """ Args: S: Two-dimensional np.ndarray instance constraints (side of all): vars: list of variable instances only_nonzero: """ if not only_nonzero: coef_list = [{vars[j]: S[i, j] for j in range(S.shape[1])} for i in range(S.shape[0])] else: coef_list = [{vars[j]: S[i, j] for j in np.nonzero(S[i, :])[0]} for i in range(S.shape[0])] for coefs, constraint in zip(coef_list, constraints): if constraint.indicator_variable is None: constraint.set_linear_coefficients(coefs) for coefs, constraint in zip(coef_list, constraints): if constraint.indicator_variable is None: if len(coefs) > 0: constraint.set_linear_coefficients(coefs) self.model.update()
[docs] def add_rows_to_model(self, S_new, b_lb, b_ub, only_nonzero=False, indicator_rows=None, vars=None, names=None): """ Args: S_new: b_lb: b_ub: only_nonzero: indicator_rows: vars: names: """ if not vars: vars = self.model.variables # dummy = self.dummy_variable() if names != None: constraints = [self.empty_constraint(b_lb[i], b_ub[i], name=names[i]) for i in range(S_new.shape[0])] else: constraints = [self.empty_constraint(b_lb[i], b_ub[i]) for i in range(S_new.shape[0])] if indicator_rows: for row, var_idx, complement in indicator_rows: constraints[row] = self.interface.Constraint( sum(S_new[row, i] * vars[i] for i in S_new[row, :].nonzero()[0]), lb=b_lb[row], ub=b_ub[row], indicator_variable=vars[var_idx], active_when=complement) self.model.add(constraints, sloppy=True) self.model.update() self.populate_constraints_from_matrix(S_new, constraints, vars, only_nonzero) # self.model.update() # self.model.remove(dummy) self.model.update() return constraints
[docs] def remove_from_model(self, index, what): """ Args: index: what: """ container = self.model.variables if what == VARIABLE else self.model.constraints if what == CONSTRAINT else None if type(index) not in (list, tuple): index = [index] for i in index: self.model.remove(container[i]) if what == VARIABLE: self.S = np.delete(self.S, index, 1) elif what == CONSTRAINT: self.S = np.delete(self.S, index, 0) self.model.update()
[docs] def add_columns_to_model(self, S_new, var_names, lb, ub, var_types): """ Args: S_new: var_names: lb: ub: var_types: """ vars = self.add_variables_to_model(var_names, lb, ub, var_types) self.populate_constraints_from_matrix(S_new, self.model.constraints, vars)
[docs] def add_variables_to_model(self, var_names, lb, ub, var_types): """ Args: var_names: lb: ub: var_types: """ if isinstance(var_types, str): var_types = [var_types] * len(lb) vars = [self.interface.Variable(name=name, lb=lbv, ub=ubv, type=t) for name, lbv, ubv, t in zip(var_names, lb, ub, var_types)] self.model.add(vars) self.model.update() return vars
[docs] def get_stuff(self, what, index): """ Args: what: index: """ container = self.model.variables if what == VARIABLE else self.model.constraints if what == CONSTRAINT else None if container == None: raise ValueError('`what` parameter requires a string (either `var` or `const`)') return [container[k] for k in index]
[docs] def set_objective(self, coefficients, minimize, vars=None): """ Args: coefficients: minimize: vars: """ if not vars: vars = self.model.variables lcoefs = {k: v for k, v in zip(vars, coefficients) if v != 0} if len(lcoefs) == 0: lcoefs = {k: 0 for k in vars} try: dummy = self.dummy_variable() new_obj = self.interface.Objective(dummy) self.model.objective = new_obj new_obj.set_linear_coefficients(lcoefs) except Exception as e: raise e finally: self.model.remove(dummy) self.model.objective.direction = SENSE_MINIMIZE if minimize else SENSE_MAXIMIZE self.model.update()
[docs] def set_variable_bounds(self, vars, lb, ub): """ Args: vars: lb: ub: """ for var, ulb, uub in zip(vars, lb, ub): var.set_bounds(ulb, uub) self.model.update()
[docs] def set_constraint_bounds(self, constraints, lb, ub): """ Args: constraints: lb: ub: """ for c, ulb, uub in zip(constraints, lb, ub): b = ulb, uub lb_is_greater = b[0] > c.ub if ((c.ub is not None) and (b[0] is not None)) else False ub_is_lower = b[1] < if (( is not None) and (b[1] is not None)) else False if lb_is_greater: c.ub = b[1] = b[0] elif ub_is_lower: = b[0] c.ub = b[1] else:, c.ub = b self.model.update()
[docs] def set_variable_types(self, vars, types): """ Args: vars: types: """ if isinstance(types, str): for var in vars: var.type = types else: for var, typ in zip(vars, types): if typ in VAR_TYPES: var.type = typ else: warnings.warn('Invalid variable type: ' + typ) self.model.update()
[docs] def write_to_lp(self, filename): """ Args: filename: """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(self.model.to_lp())
[docs]class KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem(LinearSystem): """Abstract class representing a linear system that can be passed as an argument for the KShortestAlgorithm class. Subclasses must instantiate the following variables: __dvar_mapping: A dictionary mapping reaction indexes with variable names __dvars: A list of variable names (str) or Tuple[str] if two linear system variables represent a single flux. Should be kept as type `list` to maintain order. __c: str representing the variable to be used as constant for indicator constraints """ dvar_mapping = None dvars = None c = None
[docs] def get_dvar_mapping(self): """Returns a dictionary mapping flux indices with variable(s) on the optimization problem ------- """ return self.dvar_mapping
[docs] def get_dvars(self): """Returns a list of variables (str or Tuple[str]) with similar order to that of the fluxes passed to the system. ------- """ return self.dvars
[docs] def add_c_variable(self): self.c = self.add_variables_to_model(['C'], [1], [None], VAR_CONTINUOUS)[0]
[docs] def get_c_variable(self): return self.model.variables['C']
[docs]class GenericLinearSystem(LinearSystem): """Class representing a generic system of linear (in)equations Used as arguments for various algorithms implemented in the package. """ def __init__(self, S, var_types, lb, ub, b_lb, b_ub, var_names, solver=None): """Constructor for GenericLinearSystem Parameters model: Optlang model S: Two-dimensional np.ndarray instance var_types: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of columns of S containing variable types (e.g. VAR_CONTINUOUS) lb: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of columns of S containing the lower bounds for all variables ub: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of columns of S containing the upper bounds for all variables b_lb: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of rows of S containing the lower bound for the right hand side of all constraints b_ub: list or tuple with length equal to the amount of rows of S containing the upper bound for the right hand side of all constraints var_names: string identifiers for the variables Args: S: var_types: lb: ub: b_lb: b_ub: var_names: solver: """ self.select_solver(solver) self.model = self.interface.Model() self.set_default_configuration() self.S,, self.ub, self.b_lb, self.b_ub, self.var_types = S, lb, ub, b_lb, b_ub, var_types self.names = var_names if var_names is not None else ['v' + str(i) for i in range(S.shape[1])]
[docs] def build_problem(self): self.populate_model_from_matrix(self.S, self.var_types,, self.ub, self.b_lb, self.b_ub, self.names, True)
[docs]class SteadyStateLinearSystem(GenericLinearSystem): """Class representing a steady-state biological system of metabolites and reactions without dynamic parameters Used as arguments for various algorithms implemented in the package. """ def __init__(self, S, lb, ub, var_names, solver=None): """Constructor for SimpleLinearSystem Parameters ---------- S: Stoichiometric matrix represented as a n-by-m ndarray, preferrably with dtype as float or int lb: ndarray or list containing the lower bounds for all n fluxes ub: ndarray or list containing the lower bounds for all n fluxes var_names: - optional - ndarray or list containing the names for each flux Args: S: lb: ub: var_names: solver: """ m, n = S.shape, self.ub = lb, ub super().__init__(S, VAR_CONTINUOUS, lb, ub, [0] * m, [0] * m, var_names, solver=solver)
[docs]def prepare_irreversible_system(self, S, lb, ub, non_consumed, consumed, produced, solver, force_bounds): """ Args: self: S: lb: ub: non_consumed: consumed: produced: solver: force_bounds: """ self.select_solver(solver) # lb = [0 if i in irrev else -1 for i in range(S.shape[1])] # ub = [1] * S.shape[1] # if -1 in lb: S, lb, ub, fwd_irrev, bak_irrev = fix_backwards_irreversible_reactions(S, lb, ub) Si, lbi, ubi, rev_mapping = make_irreversible_model(S, lb, ub) fwd_names = ['V' + str(i) if not isinstance(v, list) else 'V' + str(i) + 'F' for i, v in rev_mapping.items()] bwd_names = ['V' + str(i) + 'R' for i, v in rev_mapping.items() if isinstance(v, (list, tuple))] # else: # Si, lbi, ubi = S, lb, ub # fwd_names = ['V' + str(i) for i in range(Si.shape[1])] # bwd_names = [] # rev_mapping = {i:i for i in range(Si.shape[1])} lbi = [0] * len(lbi) + [1] ubi = [None] * len(ubi) + [None] for k, tup in force_bounds.items(): if isinstance(rev_mapping[k], (list, tuple)): inds = rev_mapping[k] trev = (abs(ub[k]) if ub[k] < 0 else 0, abs(lb[k]) if lb[k] < 0 else 0) tfwd = (abs(lb[k]) if lb[k] > 0 else 0, abs(ub[k]) if ub[k] > 0 else 0) assert sum([pair[0] < pair[1] for pair in (trev, tfwd)]) == 2, 'force_bounds contains invalid values' for i, ntup in zip(inds, (tfwd, trev)): lbi[i], ubi[i] = ntup else: assert tup[0] < tup[1], 'force_bounds contains invalid values' lbi[k], ubi[k] = tup ## TODO: remove this line - added for debugging # ubi = [10000 if ((k == None) or (k >= 10000)) else k for k in ubi] self.rev_mapping = rev_mapping self.__ivars = None self.__ss_override = [(nc, 'G', 0) for nc in non_consumed] + [(p, 'G', 1) for p in produced] + [(c, 'L', -1) for c in consumed] Si = np.hstack([Si, np.zeros((Si.shape[0], 1))]) b_lb, b_ub = [0] * Si.shape[0], [0] * Si.shape[0] ## TODO: Maybe allow other values to be provided for constraint relaxation/tightening for id, _, v in self.__ss_override: b_lb[id], b_ub[id] = (v, None) if v >= 0 else (None, v) return Si, lbi, ubi, b_lb, b_ub, fwd_names, bwd_names, rev_mapping
[docs]class IrreversibleLinearSystem(KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem, GenericLinearSystem): """Class representing a steady-state biological system of metabolites and reactions without dynamic parameters. All irreversible reactions are split into their forward and backward components so every lower bound is 0. Used as arguments for various algorithms implemented in the package. """ def __init__(self, S, lb, ub, non_consumed=(), consumed=(), produced=(), solver=None, force_bounds={}): """ Args: S (Stoichiometric matrix represented as a n-by-m ndarray, preferrably with dtype as float or int): lb: ub: non_consumed (An Iterable[int] or ndarray containing the indices of external metabolites not consumed in the): consumed (An Iterable[int] or ndarray containing the indices of external metabolites guaranteed to be produced.): produced (An Iterable[int] or ndarray containing the indices of external metabolites guaranteed to be consumed.): solver (String specifying the LP solver to be used): force_bounds (Dictionary mapping indexes with 2-tuples with lower and upper bounds): """ Si, lbi, ubi, b_lb, b_ub, fwd_names, bwd_names, rev_mapping = \ prepare_irreversible_system(self, S, lb, ub, non_consumed, consumed, produced, solver, force_bounds) super().__init__(Si, VAR_CONTINUOUS, lbi, ubi, b_lb, b_ub, fwd_names + bwd_names + ['C'], solver=solver) self.dvars = list(range(S.shape[1] + len(bwd_names))) self.dvar_mapping = dict(rev_mapping)
[docs]class IrreversibleLinearPatternSystem(IrreversibleLinearSystem): ## TODO: Code + docstrings. Do not use this yet! def __init__(self, S, lb, ub, subset, **kwargs): """ Args: S: lb: ub: subset: **kwargs: """ super().__init__(S, lb, ub, **kwargs) self.subset = subset fwds, revs = [], [] dvm_new = {} for r in self.subset: if not isinstance(self.rev_mapping[r], int): fid, rid = self.dvar_mapping[r] dvm_new[r] = (len(fwds), len(subset) + len(revs)) fwds.append(fid) revs.append(rid) else: dvm_new[r] = len(fwds) fwds.append(self.dvar_mapping[r]) self.dvar_mapping = dvm_new self.dvars = fwds + revs
[docs] def build_problem(self): super().build_problem()
[docs]class DualLinearSystem(KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem, GenericLinearSystem): """Class representing a dual system based on a steady-state metabolic network whose elementary flux modes are minimal cut sets for use with the KShortest algorithms. Based on previous work by Ballerstein et al. and Von Kamp et al. [1] von Kamp, A., & Klamt, S. (2014). Enumeration of smallest intervention strategies in genome-scale metabolic networks. PLoS computational biology, 10(1), e1003378. [2] Ballerstein, K., von Kamp, A., Klamt, S., & Haus, U. U. (2011). Minimal cut sets in a metabolic network are elementary modes in a dual network. Bioinformatics, 28(3), 381-387. """ def __init__(self, S, lb, ub, T, b, solver=None): """Parameters ---------- S: Stoichiometric matrix represented as a n-by-m ndarray, preferrably with dtype as float or int irrev: An Iterable[int] or ndarray containing the indices of irreversible reactions T: Target matrix as an ndarray. Should have c-by-n dimensions (c - #constraints; n - #fluxes) b: Inhomogeneous bound values as a list or 1D ndarray of c size n. Args: S: lb: ub: T: b: solver: """ self.select_solver(solver) S, lb, ub, fwd_irrev, bak_irrev = fix_backwards_irreversible_reactions(S, lb, ub) irrev = np.union1d(fwd_irrev, bak_irrev).astype(int) self.__ivars = None self.S, self.irrev, self.T, self.b = S, irrev, T, b self.__c = "C" super().__init__(*self.generate_dual_problem(S, irrev, T, b), solver=solver) offset = S.shape[0] self.dvars = list(range(offset, offset + (S.shape[1] * 2))) self.dvar_mapping = {i: (i, S.shape[1] + i) for i in range(S.shape[1])}
[docs] def generate_dual_problem(self, S, irrev, T, b): """ Args: S: irrev: T: b: """ m, n = S.shape veclens = [("u", m), ("vp", n), ("vn", n), ("w", self.T.shape[0])] I = np.identity(n) Sxi, Sxr = S[:, irrev].T, np.delete(S, irrev, axis=1).T Ii, Ir = I[irrev, :], np.delete(I, irrev, axis=0) Ti, Tr = T[:, irrev].T, np.delete(T, irrev, axis=1).T u, vp, vn, w = [[(pref + str(i), 0 if pref != "u" else None, None) for i in range(n)] for pref, n in veclens] Sdi = np.hstack([Sxi, Ii, -Ii, Ti, np.zeros([Sxi.shape[0], 1])]) Sdr = np.hstack([Sxr, Ir, -Ir, Tr, np.zeros([Sxr.shape[0], 1])]) Sd = np.vstack([Sdi, Sdr, np.zeros([1, Sdi.shape[1]])]) names, v_lb, v_ub = list(zip(*list(chain(u, vp, vn, w)))) names = list(names) + ['C'] v_lb = list(v_lb) + [1] v_ub = list(v_ub) + [None] w_idx = [m + n + n + i for i in range(len(b))] Sd[-1, w_idx] = b Sd[-1, -1] = 1 b_ub = np.hstack([np.array([None] * Sdi.shape[0]), np.array([0] * Sdr.shape[0]), np.array([0])]) b_lb = np.array([0] * (Sd.shape[0]), dtype=object) b_ub[-1] = 0 b_lb[-1] = None return Sd, VAR_CONTINUOUS, v_lb, v_ub, b_lb, b_ub, names
[docs]class BendersMasterSystem(GenericLinearSystem): def __init__(self, F, c, g, lb, ub, solver): """ Args: F: c: g: lb: ub: solver: """ var_names = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(F.shape[1])] super().__init__(S=F, var_types=VAR_INTEGER, lb=lb, ub=ub, b_lb=np.array([None] * F.shape[1]), b_ub=g, var_names=var_names, solver=solver) self.c = c self.cuts = []
[docs] def build_problem(self): super().build_problem() self.set_objective(self.c, True)
[docs] def add_combinatorial_benders_cut(self, x_sol): """ Args: x_sol: """ cut_coefs = x_sol.copy() pos_mask = cut_coefs > 1e-6 cut_coefs[pos_mask] = -1 cut_coefs[~pos_mask] = 1 rhs = pos_mask.sum() self.cuts.extend(self.add_rows_to_model(cut_coefs.reshape(1, -1), [1 - rhs], [None]))
[docs] def remove_cuts(self): self.remove_from_model(index=[ for c in self.cuts], what='const')
[docs]class BendersSlaveSystem(GenericLinearSystem): def __init__(self, A, M, D, b, e, lb_y, ub_y, solver=None): """ Args: A: M: D: b: e: lb_y: ub_y: solver: """ self.slack_vars = ['slack' + str(i) for i in range(A.shape[0])] self.y_var_names = ['y' + str(i) for i in range(A.shape[1])] var_names = self.y_var_names + self.slack_vars self.b_ub_fixed = np.array([None] * (A.shape[0] + D.shape[0])) self.lby, self.uby = np.array(lb_y), np.array(ub_y) Af = np.hstack([A, np.eye(A.shape[0])]) Df = np.hstack([D, np.zeros([D.shape[0], A.shape[0]])]) slack_bounds = np.zeros(A.shape[0]) super().__init__(S=np.vstack([Af, Df]), var_types=VAR_CONTINUOUS, lb=np.concatenate([self.lby, slack_bounds]), ub=np.concatenate([self.uby, slack_bounds]), b_lb=np.array([0] * (A.shape[0] + D.shape[0])), b_ub=self.b_ub_fixed, var_names=var_names, solver=solver) self.e, self.M, self.b = e, M, b self.constraints = self.model.constraints self.y_var_mask = np.arange(0, A.shape[0]) self.previous_changes = []
[docs] def parametrize(self, x_sol): """ Args: x_sol: """ if len(self.previous_changes) > 0: chgmap = zip(self.previous_changes, np.zeros(len(self.previous_changes))) self.model._set_variable_bounds_on_problem(chgmap, chgmap) rhs = np.concatenate([self.b -, x_sol.reshape(-1, 1)).ravel(), self.e.copy()], axis=0) nzi = np.nonzero(rhs)[0] self.previous_changes = [self.model.variables[self.slack_vars[k]] for k in nzi] values_to_change = rhs[nzi] nchgmap = zip(self.previous_changes, values_to_change) # self.set_constraint_bounds(self.constraints, lb=rhs, ub=self.b_ub_fixed) # lb_n, ub_n = np.concatenate([self.lby, -rhs]), np.concatenate([self.uby, -rhs]) self.model._set_variable_bounds_on_problem(nchgmap, nchgmap)