Source code for cobamp.core.models

import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

from numpy import ndarray, array, delete, zeros, vstack, hstack, nonzero, append, int_, int8, int16, \
	int32, int64

from .linear_systems import SteadyStateLinearSystem, VAR_CONTINUOUS, make_irreversible_model
from .optimization import LinearSystemOptimizer, CORSOSolution, GIMMESolution

INT_TYPES = (int, int_, int8, int16, int32, int64)
LARGE_NUMBER = 10e6 - 1
BACKPREFIX = 'flux_backwards'

[docs]def make_irreversible_model_raven(S, lb, ub, inverse_reverse_reactions=False): irrev = array([i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if not (lb[i] < 0)]) rev = array([i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if i not in irrev]) Sr = S[:, rev] offset = S.shape[1] rx_mapping = {k: v if k in irrev else [v] for k, v in dict(zip(range(offset), range(offset))).items()} for i, rx in enumerate(rev): rx_mapping[rx].append(offset + i) rx_mapping = OrderedDict([(k, tuple(v)) if isinstance(v, list) else (k, v) for k, v in rx_mapping.items()]) S_new = hstack([S, -Sr]) nlb, nub = zeros(S_new.shape[1]), zeros(S_new.shape[1]) for orig_rx, new_rx in rx_mapping.items(): if isinstance(new_rx, tuple): nlb[new_rx[0]] = lb[orig_rx] if lb[orig_rx] >= 0 else 0 # not necessary since they're already 0 nub[new_rx[0]] = ub[orig_rx] if ub[orig_rx] >= 0 else 0 # not necessary since they're already 0 nlb[new_rx[1]] = ub[orig_rx] * -1 if (ub[orig_rx] * -1) >= 0 else 0 nub[new_rx[1]] = lb[orig_rx] * -1 if (lb[orig_rx] * -1) >= 0 else 0 else: nlb[new_rx] = lb[orig_rx] nub[new_rx] = ub[orig_rx] return S_new, nlb, nub, rx_mapping
# def make_irreversible_model(S, lb, ub): # irrev = array([i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if not (lb[i] < 0 and ub[i] > 0)]) # rev = array([i for i in range(S.shape[1]) if i not in irrev]) # Sr = S[:, rev] # offset = S.shape[1] # rx_mapping = {k: v if k in irrev else [v] for k, v in dict(zip(range(offset), range(offset))).items()} # for i, rx in enumerate(rev): # rx_mapping[rx].append(offset + i) # rx_mapping = OrderedDict([(k, tuple(v)) if isinstance(v, list) else (k, v) for k, v in rx_mapping.items()]) # # S_new = hstack([S, -Sr]) # nlb, nub = zeros(S_new.shape[1]), zeros(S_new.shape[1]) # for orig_rx, new_rx in rx_mapping.items(): # if isinstance(new_rx, tuple): # nub[new_rx[0]] = abs(lb[orig_rx]) # nub[new_rx[1]] = ub[orig_rx] # else: # nlb[new_rx], nub[new_rx] = lb[orig_rx], ub[orig_rx] # # return S_new, nlb, nub, rx_mapping # def test_irreversible_conversions(): # S = zeros([3,3]) # lb, ub = ([0,1000],[-1000, 1000],[-1000, 0])
[docs]class ConstraintBasedModel(object): def __init__(self, S, thermodynamic_constraints, reaction_names=None, metabolite_names=None, optimizer=True, solver=None): def __validate_args(): # stoichiometric matrix if isinstance(S, ndarray): m, n = S.shape elif isinstance(S, tuple) or isinstance(S, list): m, n = len(S), len(S[0]) else: raise TypeError('S matrix is not an ndarray or list') thermodynamic_types = set(map(type, thermodynamic_constraints)) allowed_types = {list, tuple, bool} assert len(thermodynamic_types & allowed_types) == len(thermodynamic_types), 'Invalid bound type found.' reactions_ok = reaction_names is None or len(reaction_names) == n and isinstance(reaction_names, list) metabolites_ok = metabolite_names is None or len(metabolite_names) == m and isinstance(metabolite_names, list) assert reactions_ok, 'Reaction name dimensions do not match the supplied stoichiometrix matrix' assert metabolites_ok, 'Metabolite name dimensions do not match the supplied stoichiometrix matrix' return m, n self.solver = solver m, n = __validate_args() # self.__S = self.__parse_stoichiometric_matrix(S) self.__S = array(S) self.bounds = self.__interpret_bounds(thermodynamic_constraints) self.original_bounds = deepcopy(self.bounds) self.reaction_names, self.metabolite_names = deepcopy(reaction_names), deepcopy(metabolite_names) self.__update_decoder_map() self.c = None self.model = None if optimizer: self.initialize_optimizer() def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __update_decoder_map(self): self.reaction_decoder_map = self.metabolite_decoder_map = None if self.reaction_names: self.reaction_decoder_map = dict(zip(self.reaction_names, list(range(self.__S.shape[1])))) if self.metabolite_names: self.metabolite_decoder_map = dict(zip(self.metabolite_names, list(range(self.__S.shape[0])))) self.map_labels = {'reaction': self.reaction_decoder_map, 'metabolite': self.metabolite_decoder_map} def __interpret_bounds(self, thermodynamic_constraints): def interpret_bound(bound_obj): i, bound = bound_obj # value = [None, None] if isinstance(bound, bool): if bound: value = 0, LARGE_NUMBER else: value = -LARGE_NUMBER, LARGE_NUMBER else: value = bound for i, v in enumerate(value): if i == 0 and v is None: value[i] = -LARGE_NUMBER elif i == 1 and v is None: value[i] = LARGE_NUMBER if value[0] > value[1]: warnings.warn('Lower bound is >= than upper bound for reaction ' + str(i) + '. Reversing...') value = value[::-1] return value return list(map(interpret_bound, enumerate(thermodynamic_constraints)))
[docs] def flux_limits(self, reaction): self.set_objective({reaction: 1}, True) min_flux = self.optimize().objective_value() self.set_objective({reaction: 1}, False) max_flux = self.optimize().objective_value() return min_flux, max_flux
[docs] def initialize_optimizer(self): lb, ub = self.get_bounds_as_list() self.model = SteadyStateLinearSystem(self.__S, lb, ub, var_names=self.reaction_names, solver=self.solver) self.model.build_problem() self.optimizer = LinearSystemOptimizer(self.model, build=False)
[docs] def decode_index(self, index, labels): if type(index) in INT_TYPES: return index elif labels is not None: return self.map_labels[labels][index] else: raise IndexError('Could not find specified index "' + str(index) + '".')
[docs] def get_bounds_as_list(self): return list(zip(*self.bounds))
[docs] def is_reversible_reaction(self, index): lb, ub = self.bounds[self.decode_index(index, 'reaction')] return (lb < 0 and ub > 0)
[docs] def get_stoichiometric_matrix(self, rows=None, columns=None): row_index = [self.decode_index(i, 'metabolite') for i in rows] if rows else None col_index = [self.decode_index(i, 'reaction') for i in columns] if columns else None if rows and columns: return self.__S[row_index, col_index] elif rows: return self.__S[row_index, :] elif columns: return self.__S[:, col_index] else: return self.__S
[docs] def set_stoichiometric_matrix(self, values, rows=None, columns=None): row_index = [self.decode_index(i, 'metabolite') for i in rows] if rows else None col_index = [self.decode_index(i, 'reaction') for i in columns] if columns else None if rows and columns: self.__S[row_index, col_index] = values elif rows: self.__S[row_index, :] = values elif columns: self.__S[:, col_index] = values else: self.__S = values row_index = row_index if row_index is not None else range(self.__S.shape[0]) col_index = col_index if col_index is not None else range(self.__S.shape[1]) if self.model: constraints = [self.model.model.constraints[i] for i in row_index] if row_index else self.model.model.constraints vars = [self.model.model.variables[i] for i in col_index] if row_index else self.model.model.variables self.model.populate_constraints_from_matrix(values, constraints=constraints, vars=vars)
[docs] def add_metabolite(self, arg, name=None): assert not name in self.metabolite_names, 'Duplicate metabolite name found!' if isinstance(arg, dict): row = zeros(1, self.__S.shape[1]) for k, v in arg.items(): row[self.decode_index(k, 'reaction')] = v elif isinstance(arg, ndarray): if len(arg) == len(self.reaction_names): row = arg else: raise Exception('Numpy argument dimensions should be (', len(self.metabolite_names), ',). Got', arg.shape, 'instead') else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument type: ', type(arg), '. Please supply an ndarray or dict instead.') self.__S = vstack([self.__S, row]) self.metabolite_names.append(name) self.__update_decoder_map() if self.model: self.model.add_rows_to_model(row.reshape([1, self.__S.shape[1]]), b_lb=array([0]), b_ub=array([0]))
[docs] def add_reaction(self, arg, bounds, name=None): assert not name in self.reaction_names, 'Duplicate reaction name found!' if isinstance(arg, dict): col = zeros([self.__S.shape[0], 1]) for k, v in arg.items(): col[self.decode_index(k, 'metabolite'), 0] = v elif isinstance(arg, ndarray): if len(arg) == len(self.metabolite_names): col = arg.reshape(self.__S.shape[0], 1) else: raise Exception('Numpy argument dimensions should be (', len(self.reaction_names), ',). Got', arg.shape, 'instead') else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument type: ', type(arg), '. Please supply an ndarray or dict instead.') self.__S = hstack([self.__S, col]) self.reaction_names.append(name) self.bounds.append(bounds) self.__update_decoder_map() if self.model: self.model.add_columns_to_model(col, [name], [bounds[0]], [bounds[1]], VAR_CONTINUOUS)
[docs] def remove_reaction(self, index): j = self.decode_index(index, 'reaction') if not isinstance(index, int): self.reaction_names.pop(j) self.bounds.pop(j) self.__S = delete(self.__S, [j], axis=1) self.__update_decoder_map() if self.model: self.model.remove_from_model(j, 'var')
[docs] def remove_metabolite(self, index): i = self.decode_index(index, 'metabolite') if not isinstance(index, int): self.metabolite_names.pop(i) self.__S = delete(self.__S, [i], axis=0) self.__update_decoder_map() if self.model: self.model.remove_from_model(i, 'const')
[docs] def make_irreversible(self): lb, ub = self.get_bounds_as_list() Sn, nlb, nub, rx_mapping = make_irreversible_model(self.__S, lb, ub) rev = array([int(v[0]) for k, v in rx_mapping.items() if isinstance(v, (list, tuple))]) revnames = ['_'.join([name, BACKPREFIX]) for name in (array(self.reaction_names)[rev]).tolist()] rnames = self.reaction_names + revnames model = ConstraintBasedModel(Sn, list(zip(nlb, nub)), rnames, self.metabolite_names, optimizer=self.model is not None, solver=self.solver) return model, rx_mapping
[docs] def get_reaction_bounds(self, index): return self.bounds[self.decode_index(index, 'reaction')]
[docs] def set_reaction_bounds(self, index, **kwargs): true_idx = self.decode_index(index, 'reaction') lb, ub = self.get_reaction_bounds(true_idx) if 'lb' in kwargs: lb = kwargs['lb'] if 'ub' in kwargs: ub = kwargs['ub'] bound = (lb, ub) self.bounds[true_idx] = bound if 'temporary' in kwargs and kwargs['temporary'] == False: self.original_bounds[self.decode_index(index, 'reaction')] = self.get_reaction_bounds(index) if self.model: var = self.model.model.variables[true_idx] self.model.set_variable_bounds([var], [lb], [ub])
[docs] def set_objective(self, coef_dict, minimize=False): if self.model: if isinstance(coef_dict, dict): f = zeros(self.__S.shape[1], ) self.c = f for k, v in coef_dict.items(): self.c[self.decode_index(k, 'reaction')] = v self.model.set_objective(self.c, minimize) elif isinstance(coef_dict, ndarray): self.model.set_objective(coef_dict, minimize) else: raise TypeError('`coef_dict` must either be a dict or an ndarray') else: raise Exception('Cannot set an objective on a model without the optimizer flag as True.')
[docs] def optimize(self, coef_dict=None, minimize=False): cur_obj = self.model.model.objective if coef_dict != None: self.set_objective(coef_dict, minimize) sol = self.optimizer.optimize() if coef_dict != None: self.model.model.objective = cur_obj return sol
[docs] def revert_to_original_bounds(self): for rx, bounds in zip(self.reaction_names, self.original_bounds): clb, cub = self.get_reaction_bounds(rx) lb, ub = bounds if clb != lb or cub != ub: self.set_reaction_bounds(rx, lb=lb, ub=ub)
[docs]class CORSOModel(ConstraintBasedModel): def __init__(self, cbmodel, corso_element_names=('R_PSEUDO_CORSO', 'M_PSEUDO_CORSO'), solver=None): if not cbmodel.model: cbmodel.initialize_optimizer() self.cbmodel = cbmodel irrev_model, self.mapping = cbmodel.make_irreversible() S = irrev_model.get_stoichiometric_matrix() bounds = irrev_model.bounds self.cost_index_mapping = zeros(S.shape[1], dtype=int_) self.corso_rx, self.corso_mt = corso_element_names super().__init__(S, bounds, irrev_model.reaction_names, irrev_model.metabolite_names, solver=solver) self.add_metabolite(zeros(len(self.reaction_names)), self.corso_mt) self.add_reaction(zeros(len(self.metabolite_names)), (0, 0), self.corso_rx) self.original_bounds = deepcopy(self.bounds) for orx, nrx in self.mapping.items(): if isinstance(nrx, int): self.cost_index_mapping[nrx] = orx else: for nrx_split in nrx: self.cost_index_mapping[nrx_split] = orx
[docs] def solve_original_model(self, of_dict, minimize=False): self.cbmodel.set_objective(of_dict, minimize) sol = self.cbmodel.optimize() return sol
[docs] def set_costs(self, cost): true_cost = cost[self.cost_index_mapping] true_cost = append(true_cost, array([-1])) self.set_stoichiometric_matrix(true_cost.reshape(1, len(true_cost)), rows=[self.corso_mt])
# def set_reaction_bounds(self, index, **kwargs): # super().set_reaction_bounds(index, **kwargs) # self.original_bounds[self.decode_index(index, 'reaction')] = self.get_reaction_bounds(index)
[docs] def set_corso_objective(self): self.set_objective({self.corso_rx: 1}, True)
[docs] def optimize_corso(self, cost, of_dict, minimize=False, constraint=1, constraintby='val', eps=1e-6, flux1=None): if flux1 is None: flux1 = self.solve_original_model(of_dict, minimize) if abs(flux1.objective_value()) < eps: return flux1, flux1 f1_x = flux1.x() if constraintby == 'perc': # f1_f = flux1.x()[self.cbmodel.c != 0] f1_f = {idx: f1_x[idx] * (constraint / 100) for idx in of_dict.keys()} elif constraintby == 'val': if (flux1.objective_value() < constraint and not minimize) or ( flux1.objective_value() > constraint and minimize): raise Exception('Objective flux is not sufficient for the the set constraint value.') else: f1_f = {idx: constraint for idx in of_dict.keys()} else: raise Exception('Invalid constraint options.') self.set_reaction_bounds(self.corso_rx, lb=0, ub=1e20) # corso_of_dict = deepcopy(of_dict) # corso_of_dict[self.corso_rx] = 1 self.set_costs(cost) for rx in f1_f.keys(): true_idx = self.decode_index(rx, 'reaction') involved = self.mapping[true_idx] fluxval = f1_f[rx] # if isinstance(f1_f, ndarray) else f1_f if isinstance(involved, (int, int_)): self.set_reaction_bounds(involved, lb=fluxval, ub=fluxval, temporary=True) else: self.set_reaction_bounds(involved[0], lb=fluxval, ub=fluxval, temporary=True) self.set_reaction_bounds(involved[1], lb=0, ub=0, temporary=True) self.set_objective({self.corso_rx: 1}, True) sol = self.optimize() self.revert_to_original_bounds() return flux1, CORSOSolution(flux1, sol, sum([of_dict[k] * f1_f[k] for k in of_dict.keys()]), self.cost_index_mapping, self.cbmodel.reaction_names, eps=eps)
[docs]class GIMMEModel(ConstraintBasedModel): def __init__(self, cbmodel, solver=None): self.cbmodel = cbmodel if not self.cbmodel.model: self.cbmodel.initialize_optimizer() irrev_model, self.mapping = cbmodel.make_irreversible() S = irrev_model.get_stoichiometric_matrix() bounds = irrev_model.bounds super().__init__(S, bounds, irrev_model.reaction_names, irrev_model.metabolite_names, solver=solver, optimizer=True) def __adjust_objective_to_irreversible(self, objective_dict): obj_dict = {} for k, v in objective_dict.items(): irrev_map = self.mapping[self.cbmodel.decode_index(k, 'reaction')] if isinstance(irrev_map, (list, tuple)): for i in irrev_map: obj_dict[i] = v else: obj_dict[irrev_map] = v return obj_dict def __adjust_expression_vector_to_irreversible(self, exp_vector): exp_vector_n = zeros(len(self.reaction_names), ) for rxn, val in enumerate(exp_vector): rxmap = self.mapping[rxn] if isinstance(rxmap, tuple): exp_vector_n[rxmap[0]] = exp_vector_n[rxmap[1]] = val else: exp_vector_n[rxmap] = val return exp_vector_n
[docs] def optimize_gimme(self, exp_vector, objectives, obj_frac, flux_thres): N = len(self.cbmodel.reaction_names) objectives_irr = [self.__adjust_objective_to_irreversible(obj) for obj in objectives] exp_vector_irr = self.__adjust_expression_vector_to_irreversible(exp_vector) def find_objective_value(obj): self.cbmodel.set_objective(obj, False) return self.cbmodel.optimize().objective_value() objective_values = list(map(find_objective_value, objectives_irr)) gimme_model_objective = array( [flux_thres - exp_vector_irr[i] if -1 < exp_vector_irr[i] < flux_thres else 0 for i in range(N)]) objective_lbs = zeros(len(self.reaction_names)) for ov, obj in zip(objective_values, objectives_irr): for rx, v in obj.items(): objective_lbs[rx] = v * ov * obj_frac objective_ids = nonzero(objective_lbs)[0] for id, lb in zip(objective_ids, objective_lbs): self.set_reaction_bounds(id, lb=lb, temporary=True) self.set_objective(gimme_model_objective, True) sol = self.optimize() self.revert_to_original_bounds() return GIMMESolution(sol, exp_vector, self.cbmodel.reaction_names, self.mapping)