Source code for cobamp.nullspace.nullspace

from numpy import abs, where, compress, concatenate, ones, random, sign
from numpy.linalg import svd

EPSILON = 1e-10

[docs]def compute_nullspace(A, eps=1e-9, left=True): """ Computes the nullspace of the matrix A. Parameters ---------- A: A 2D-ndarray eps: Tolerance value for 0 left: A boolean value indicating whether the result is the left nullspace (right if False) Returns the nullspace of A as a 2D ndarray ------- """ u, s, v = svd(A) padding = max(0, A.shape[1] - s.shape[0]) mask = concatenate(((s <= eps), ones((padding,), dtype=bool)), axis=0) return compress(mask, u.T, 0) if left else compress(mask, v.T, 1)
[docs]def nullspace_blocked_reactions(K, tolerance): """ Parameters ---------- K: A nullspace matrix as a 2D ndarray tolerance: Tolerance value for 0 ------- Returns indices of the rows of K where all values are 0 """ return where(sum(abs(K.T) < tolerance) == K.shape[0])[0]
if __name__ == '__main__': import profile # # A = array([[2, 3, 5], [-4, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0]]) # nullspace = compute_nullspace(A, left=False) Ar = random.rand(5000, 10000) - 0.5 Ar[(-0.4 < Ar) & (0.4 > Ar)] = 0 A = sign(Ar)'nullspace = compute_nullspace(A, left=False)')