Source code for cobamp.wrappers.external_wrappers

import abc
import warnings
from re import compile

import numpy as np
from boolean.boolean import BooleanAlgebra
from numpy import where

from ..core.models import ConstraintBasedModel

GPR_GENE_RE = compile("\\b(?!and\\b|or\\b|AND\\b|OR\\b)[([A-z0-9\.]*")
BOOLEAN_ALGEBRA = BooleanAlgebra()

[docs]def normalize_boolean_expression(rule): try: expression = BOOLEAN_ALGEBRA.parse(rule, simplify=True) bool_expression = BOOLEAN_ALGEBRA.normalize(expression, BOOLEAN_ALGEBRA.OR) return str(bool_expression).replace('&', ' and ').replace('|', ' or ') except Exception as e: warnings.warn('Could not normalize this rule: ' + rule) return rule
[docs]class AbstractObjectReader(object): """ An abstract class for reading metabolic model objects from external frameworks, and extracting the data needed for pathway analysis methods. Also deals with name conversions. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, model): """ Parameters ---------- model: A Model instance from the external framework to use. Must be registered in the dict stored as external_wrappers.model_readers along with its reader. """ self.model = model self.r_ids, self.m_ids = self.get_reaction_and_metabolite_ids() self.rx_instances = self.get_rx_instances() self.S = self.get_stoichiometric_matrix(), self.ub = tuple(zip(*self.get_model_bounds(False))) self.irrev_bool = self.get_irreversibilities(False) self.irrev_index = self.get_irreversibilities(True) self.bounds_dict = self.get_model_bounds(True) self.genes = self.get_model_genes() self.gene_protein_reaction_rules = self.get_model_gprs() self.gpr_map = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_stoichiometric_matrix(self): """ Returns a 2D numpy array with the stoichiometric matrix whose metabolite and reaction indexes match the names defined in the class variables r_ids and m_ids """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_model_bounds(self, as_dict, separate_list): """ Returns the lower and upper bounds for all fluxes in the model. This either comes in the form of an ordered list with tuples of size 2 (lb,ub) or a dictionary with the same tuples mapped by strings with reaction identifiers. Parameters ---------- as_dict: A boolean value that controls whether the result is a dictionary mapping str to tuple of size 2 separate: A boolean value that controls whether the result is two numpy.array(), one for lb and the other\n to ub """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_irreversibilities(self, as_index): """ Returns a vector representing irreversible reactions, either as a vector of booleans (each value is a flux, ordered in the same way as reaction identifiers) or as a vector of reaction indexes. Parameters ---------- as_dict: A boolean value that controls whether the result is a vector of indexes """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_rx_instances(self): """ Returns the reaction instances contained in the model. Varies depending on the framework. """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_reaction_and_metabolite_ids(self): """ Returns two ordered iterables containing the metabolite and reaction ids respectively. """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_model_genes(self): """ Returns the identifiers for the genes contained in the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_model_gprs(self, apply_fx=None): """ Returns the model gene-protein-reaction rules associated with each reaction """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def convert_gprs_to_list(self, rx, apply_fx): return
[docs] def reaction_id_to_index(self, id): """ Returns the numerical index of a reaction when given a string representing its identifier. Parameters ---------- id: A reaction identifier as a string """ return self.r_ids.index(id)
[docs] def metabolite_id_to_index(self, id): """ Returns the numerical index of a metabolite when given a string representing its identifier. Parameters ---------- id: A metabolite identifier as a string """ return self.m_ids.index(id)
[docs] def get_gene_protein_reaction_rule(self, id): return self.gene_protein_reaction_rules[id]
[docs] def convert_constraint_ids(self, tup, yield_constraint): if yield_constraint: constraint = tuple(list(map(self.reaction_id_to_index, tup[:2])) + list(tup[2:])) else: constraint = tuple([self.reaction_id_to_index(tup[0])] + list(tup[1:])) return constraint
[docs] def decode_k_shortest_solution(self, solarg): if isinstance(solarg, list): return [self.__decode_k_shortest_solution(sol) for sol in solarg] else: return self.__decode_k_shortest_solution(solarg)
def __decode_k_shortest_solution(self, sol): ## TODO: Make MAX_PRECISION a parameter for linear systems or the KShortestAlgorithm return {self.r_ids[k]: v for k, v in sol.attribute_value(sol.SIGNED_VALUE_MAP).items() if abs(v) > MAX_PRECISION}
[docs] def g2rx(self, expression, and_fx=min, or_fx=max, as_vector=False, apply_fx=None): if self.gpr_map == None: self.gpr_map = {rx: self.convert_gprs_to_list(rx, apply_fx) for rx in self.r_ids} gpr_map = self.gpr_map def aux_apply(fx, it): args = [k for k in it if k is not None] return fx(args) if args else None def eval_gpr(lists): return aux_apply(or_fx, [aux_apply(and_fx, [expression[x] for x in gs if x in expression.keys()]) for gs in lists]) exp_map = {rx: eval_gpr(gpr_map[rx]) for rx in gpr_map} if as_vector: return [exp_map[k] for k in self.r_ids] else: return exp_map
[docs] def get_working_gene_names(self): current_model_genes = list(self.get_model_genes()) return dict(zip(current_model_genes, map(lambda x: '_' + x, current_model_genes)))
[docs] def to_cobamp_cbm(self, solver=None): return ConstraintBasedModel( S=self.get_stoichiometric_matrix(), thermodynamic_constraints=[tuple(float(k) for k in l) for l in self.get_model_bounds()], reaction_names=self.r_ids, metabolite_names=self.m_ids, optimizer=solver != None and solver, solver=solver if solver not in (True, False) else None)
[docs]class COBRAModelObjectReader(AbstractObjectReader):
[docs] def get_stoichiometric_matrix(self): S = np.zeros((len(self.m_ids), len(self.r_ids))) for i, r_id in enumerate(self.r_ids): for metab, coef in self.model.reactions.get_by_id(r_id).metabolites.items(): S[self.m_ids.index(, i] = coef return S
[docs] def get_model_bounds(self, as_dict=False, separate_list=False): bounds = [r.bounds for r in self.rx_instances] if as_dict: return dict(zip(self.r_ids, bounds)) else: if separate_list: return [list(bounds) for bounds in list(zip(*tuple(bounds)))] else: return tuple(bounds)
[docs] def get_irreversibilities(self, as_index): irrev = [not r.reversibility for r in self.rx_instances] if as_index: irrev = list(np.where(irrev)[0]) return irrev
[docs] def get_rx_instances(self): return [self.model.reactions.get_by_id(rx) for rx in self.r_ids]
[docs] def get_reaction_and_metabolite_ids(self): return tuple([[ for x in lst] for lst in (self.model.reactions, self.model.metabolites)])
[docs] def get_model_genes(self): return set([ for g in self.model.genes])
# def get_model_gprs(self, apply_fx=None): # if not apply_fx: # return [r.gene_reaction_rule for r in self.model.reactions] # else: # return [apply_fx(r.gene_reaction_rule) for r in self.model.reactions]
[docs] def get_model_gprs(self, apply_fx=None, token_to_gene_ratio=20): ## TODO: this function should only retrieve a single gpr. the abstract class should normalize it def fix_name(gpr_string): # genes = set(findall(GPR_GENE_RE, gpr_string)) - {''} matches = [k for k in GPR_GENE_RE.finditer(gpr_string) if k.span()[0] - k.span()[1] != 0] unique_tokens = set([m.string for m in matches]) for offset, match_obj in enumerate(matches): final_pos = match_obj.span()[0] + offset gpr_string = gpr_string[:final_pos] + '_' + gpr_string[final_pos:] return gpr_string, len(matches), len(unique_tokens), unique_tokens gpr_list = [] for r in self.model.reactions: rule, num_matches, num_unique_tokens, unique_tokens = fix_name(r.gene_reaction_rule) if apply_fx: rule = apply_fx(rule) if (num_unique_tokens > 0) and (num_matches // num_unique_tokens) < token_to_gene_ratio: rule = normalize_boolean_expression(rule) else: warnings.warn( 'Will not normalize rules with more than ' + str(token_to_gene_ratio) + ' average tokens per gene') matches_post = [k for k in GPR_GENE_RE.finditer(rule) if (k.span()[0] - k.span()[1] != 0) and k.string[k.span()[0]:k.span()[1]][0] == '_'] for offsetp, matchp_obj in enumerate(matches_post): final_pos = matchp_obj.span()[0] - offsetp rule = rule[:final_pos] + rule[final_pos + 1:] gpr_list.append(rule) # for tok in unique_tokens: # rule = rule.replace('_'+tok, tok) return gpr_list
# # if not apply_fx: # return [fix_name(r.gene_reaction_rule) for r in self.model.reactions] # else: # return [apply_fx(fix_name(r.gene_reaction_rule)) for r in self.model.reactions]
[docs] def convert_gprs_to_list(self, rx, apply_fx): if apply_fx == None: apply_fx = lambda x: x proteins = list(map(lambda x: x.strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', ''), apply_fx(self.gene_protein_reaction_rules[self.r_ids.index(rx)]).split('or'))) rules = [[s.strip() for s in x.split('and') if s.strip() != ''] for x in proteins] return rules
[docs]class MatFormatReader(AbstractObjectReader):
[docs] def get_stoichiometric_matrix(self): return (self.model['S'][0][0]).toarray()
[docs] def get_model_bounds(self, as_dict=False, separate_list=False): lb, ub = [(self.model[k][0][0]).ravel() for k in ('lb', 'ub')] tuples = [(r, (l, u)) for r, l, u in zip(self.r_ids, lb, ub)] if as_dict: return dict(tuples) else: if separate_list: return lb, ub else: return tuple([(l, u) for l, u in zip(lb, ub)])
[docs] def get_irreversibilities(self, as_index): if 'rev' in self.model.dtype.names: bv = (self.model['rev'][0][0]).ravel().astype(bool) else: bv = np.array([(l >= 0 and u >= 0) or (l <= 0 and u <= 0) for l, u in zip(, self.ub)]).astype(bool) if as_index: return where(bv)[0] else: return bv
[docs] def get_rx_instances(self): pass
[docs] def get_reaction_and_metabolite_ids(self): return [[k[0][0] for k in self.model[t][0][0]] for t in ['rxns', 'mets']]
[docs] def get_model_genes(self): return set([k[0][0] for k in self.model['genes'][0][0]])
[docs] def get_model_gprs(self, apply_fx=None): gprs = [k[0][0] if len(k[0]) > 0 else '' for k in self.model['grRules'][0][0]] if apply_fx: return list(map(apply_fx, gprs)) else: return gprs
[docs] def convert_gprs_to_list(self, rx, apply_fx): proteins = list(map(lambda x: x.strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', ''), self.get_model_gprs(apply_fx)[self.r_ids.index(rx)].split('or'))) rules = [[s.strip() for s in x.split('and') if s.strip() != ''] for x in proteins] return rules
[docs]class FramedModelObjectReader(AbstractObjectReader):
[docs] def get_stoichiometric_matrix(self): return np.array(self.model.stoichiometric_matrix())
[docs] def get_model_bounds(self, as_dict=False, separate_list=False): bounds = [(, r.ub) for r in self.rx_instances] if as_dict: return dict(zip(self.r_ids, bounds)) else: if separate_list: return [bounds for bounds in list(zip(*tuple(bounds)))] else: return tuple(bounds)
[docs] def get_irreversibilities(self, as_index): irrev = [not r.reversible for r in self.rx_instances] if as_index: irrev = list(np.where(irrev)[0]) return irrev
[docs] def get_reaction_and_metabolite_ids(self): return tuple(self.model.reactions.keys()), tuple(self.model.metabolites.keys())
[docs] def get_rx_instances(self): return [self.model.reactions[rx] for rx in self.r_ids]
[docs] def convert_gprs_to_list(self, rx): proteins = list(map(lambda x: x.strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', ''), rx.gene_reaction_rule.split('or'))) rules = [[s.strip() for s in x.split('and') if s.strip() != ''] for x in proteins] return rules
[docs]class CobampModelObjectReader(AbstractObjectReader):
[docs] def get_stoichiometric_matrix(self): return self.model.get_stoichiometric_matrix()
[docs] def get_model_bounds(self, as_dict, separate_list=False): if as_dict: return dict(zip(self.r_ids, self.model.bounds)) else: if separate_list: return [bounds for bounds in list(zip(*tuple(self.model.bounds)))] else: return tuple(self.model.bounds)
[docs] def get_irreversibilities(self, as_index): irrev = [not self.model.is_reversible_reaction(r) for r in self.r_ids] if as_index: irrev = list(np.where(irrev)[0]) return irrev
[docs] def get_reaction_and_metabolite_ids(self): return self.model.reaction_names, self.model.metabolite_names
[docs] def get_rx_instances(self): return None
# This dict contains the mapping between model instance namespaces (without the class name itself) and the appropriate # model reader object. Modify this if a new reader is implemented. model_readers = { 'cobra.core.model': COBRAModelObjectReader, 'framed.model.cbmodel': FramedModelObjectReader, 'cobamp.core.models': CobampModelObjectReader, 'numpy': MatFormatReader }