Source code for cobamp.algorithms.kshortest

This module includes classes that implement the K-shortest EFM enumeration algorithms. Please refer to the original
authors' paper describing the method [1]. Additional improvements concerning enumeration of EFMs by size have been
adapted from the methods described by Von Kamp et al. [2]


	[1] De Figueiredo, Luis F., et al. "Computing the shortest elementary flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networks"
	Bioinformatics 25.23 (2009): 3158-3165.
	[2] von Kamp, Axel, and Steffen Klamt. "Enumeration of smallest intervention strategies in genome-scale metabolic
	networks" PLoS computational biology 10.1 (2014): e1003378.

import abc

from itertools import chain
from numpy import concatenate, array, zeros, hstack, ones, identity

from cobamp.core.optimization import LinearSystemOptimizer, KShortestSolution
from cobamp.core.linear_systems import IrreversibleLinearPatternSystem, VAR_BINARY
from ..utilities.property_management import PropertyDictionary
import warnings

decompose_list = lambda a: chain.from_iterable(map(lambda i: i if isinstance(i, list) else [i], a))

[docs]def value_map_apply(single_fx, pair_fx, value_map, **kwargs): """ Applies functions to the elements of an ordered dictionary, using one of two functions that process, respectively, a single item or a tuple of items. Functions must receive the dictionary key, the dictionary itself and optional arguments :param single_fx: A function that receives a single object as argument :param pair_fx: A function that receives a tuple as argument :param value_map: An ordered dictionary mapping keys with values :param kwargs: Optional function arguments :return: An iterable containing the results of the applied functions """ return [ pair_fx(varlist, value_map, **kwargs) if isinstance(varlist, tuple) else single_fx(varlist, value_map, **kwargs) for varlist in value_map.keys()]
[docs]class KShortestProperties(PropertyDictionary): """ Class defining a configuration for the K-shortest algorithms. The following fields are mandatory: K_SHORTEST_MPROPERTY_METHOD: - K_SHORTEST_METHOD_ITERATE : Iterative enumeration (one EFM at a time) - K_SHORTEST_METHOD_POPULATE : Enumeration by size (EFMs of a certain size at a time) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(kshortest_mandatory_properties, kshortest_optional_properties) # set optional properties by default self[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_N_THREADS] = 0 self[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_FORCE_NON_CANCELLATION] = True self[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_BIG_M_VALUE] = 1e9
[docs]class KShortestEnumerator(object): """ Class implementing the k-shortest elementary flux mode algorithms. This is a lower level class implemented using the optlang solver framework. """ ENUMERATION_METHOD_ITERATE = 'iterate' ENUMERATION_METHOD_POPULATE = 'populate' def __init__(self, linear_system, m_value=None, force_non_cancellation=True, is_efp_problem=False, n_threads=0, workmem=None): """ Parameters ---------- linear_system: A KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem/<LinearSystem> subclass """ linear_system.build_problem() self.__dvar_mapping = linear_system.get_dvar_mapping() self.__ls_shape = linear_system.get_stoich_matrix_shape() self.model = linear_system self.__dvars = linear_system.get_dvars() self.__c = linear_system.get_c_variable() self.__solzip = lambda x: zip(self.model._get_variables_names(), x) self.__force_non_cancellation = force_non_cancellation # TODO: Find a way to estimate the best possible value for this self.__m_value = 10e6 if m_value == None else m_value # Open log files # self.resf = open('results', 'w') # self.logf = open('log', 'w') # Setup CPLEX parameters self.__set_model_parameters() #self.is_efp_problem = isinstance(linear_system, IrreversibleLinearPatternSystem) self.subset_problem = isinstance(linear_system, IrreversibleLinearPatternSystem) self.is_efp_problem = is_efp_problem # Setup k-shortest constraints self.indicator_map = {} self.__ivars = [] big_m = linear_system.solver != 'CPLEX' if big_m: warnstr = linear_system.solver + ' does not support indicator constraints. Using Big-M constraints with M= ' + str( self.__m_value) warnings.warn(warnstr) self.__add_kshortest_indicators_big_m() else: self.__add_kshortest_indicators() if not self.is_efp_problem: self.__add_exclusivity_constraints() else: if self.__force_non_cancellation: warnings.warn('The original elementary flux pattern formulation allows cancellation. If this option is' +' forced, results might differ.') self.__add_exclusivity_constraints() self.__size_constraint = None self.__efp_auxiliary_map = None if self.is_efp_problem: self.__add_efp_auxiliary_constraints() self.__objective_expression = dict(zip(list(range(len(self.__dvars))), [1] * len(self.__dvars))) self.__set_objective() self.__integer_cuts = [] self.__exclusion_cuts = [] self.set_size_constraint(1) self.__current_size = 1 self.optimizer = LinearSystemOptimizer(self.model, build=False) self.__vnames = self.model.model._get_variables_names() self.model.set_number_of_threads(n_threads) if workmem != None: self.model.set_working_memory_limit(workmem) def __set_model_parameters(self): """ Sets the optlang Model instance's parameters with appropriate values for k-shortest enumeration """ parset_func = {'CPLEX': self.__set_model_parameters_cplex, 'GUROBI': self.__set_model_parameters_gurobi} if self.model.solver in parset_func.keys(): parset_func[self.model.solver]() def __set_model_parameters_cplex(self): """ Internal method to set model parameters for the CPLEX solver. This is based on the original MATLAB code by Von Kamp et al. ------- """ instance = self.model.model.problem instance.parameters.mip.tolerances.integrality.set(1e-9) instance.parameters.clocktype.set(1) instance.parameters.advance.set(0) instance.parameters.mip.strategy.fpheur.set(1) instance.parameters.emphasis.mip.set(2) instance.parameters.mip.limits.populate.set(1000000) instance.parameters.mip.pool.intensity.set(4) instance.parameters.mip.pool.absgap.set(0) instance.parameters.mip.pool.replace.set(2) def __set_model_parameters_gurobi(self): """ Internal method to set model parameters for the GUROBI solver. This is based on the original MATLAB code by Von Kamp et al. """ instance = self.model.model.problem instance.params.PoolGap = 0 instance.params.MIPFocus = 2 instance.params.MIPAbsGap = 0 instance.params.PoolSearchMode = 2 ##TODO: Make this more flexible in the future. 4GB of RAM should be enough but some problems might require more. def __add_cuts(self, sols, length_override, equality): """ Internal method that adds an integer cut based on a previous solution. Used to constrain the solution space in the optlang Model so that the solutions in sols are not enumerated repeatedly. This constraint is formulated so that the amount of reactions in a given previously determined solution must be lower than an integer value specified as length_override :param sols: A list with either lists of variable indices or KShortestSolution instances :param length_override: Right-hand side integer value for the constraint :param equality: Boolean flag specifying whether the constraint is an equality :return: """ for sol in sols: if isinstance(sol, KShortestSolution): self.__add_integer_cut(sol.var_values(), efp_cut=self.is_efp_problem, equality=equality, length_override=length_override) elif isinstance(sol, list) or isinstance(sol, tuple): values = {i: 0 for i in range(len(self.model.model.variables))} for k in sol: dvars = self.__dvar_mapping[k] if isinstance(dvars, (list, tuple)): for v in dvars: values[self.indicator_map[self.__dvars[v]]] = 1 else: values[self.indicator_map[self.__dvars[dvars]]] = 1 values[k] = 1 self.__add_integer_cut(values, efp_cut=self.is_efp_problem, equality=equality, length_override=length_override)
[docs] def exclude_solutions(self, sols): """ Excludes the supplied solutions from the search by adding them as integer cuts. Use at your own discretion as this will yield different EFMs than would be intended. This can also be used to exclude certain reactions from the search by supplying solutions with one reaction. Parameters ---------- sols: An Iterable containing list/tuples with active reaction combinations to exclude or Solution instances. ------- """ self.__add_cuts(sols, length_override=1, equality=False)
[docs] def force_solutions(self, sols): """ Forces a set of reactions encoded as solutions to appear in the subsequent elementary modes to be calculated. Parameters ---------- sols: An Iterable containing list/tuples with active reaction combinations to exclude or Solution instances. ------- """ self.__add_cuts(sols, length_override=0, equality=True)
def __add_kshortest_indicators(self, chunksize=2000): """ Adds the constraints and indicator variables that correspond to each manipulated variable :param chunksize: Integer value determining how many constraints are added per iteration (performance issues) """ for i in range(0, len(self.__dvars), chunksize): #print('Adding chunk:',i,i+chunksize) dvl = self.__dvars[i:i+chunksize] self.__add_kshortest_indicators_from_dvar(dvl) def __add_kshortest_indicators_from_dvar(self, dvars): """ Adds indicator variable to a copy of the supplied linear problem. This uses the __dvars map to obtain a list of all variables and assigns an indicator to them. :param dvars: An iterable with the variables to add the indicators to ------- """ ilb, iub = [0] * 5, [1] * 5 itype = VAR_BINARY template_matrix = array( [[1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] ) template_blb, template_bub = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, None, 0, None, 0, None] row_blb, row_bub = [t * len(dvars) for t in (template_blb, template_bub)] helpers = [[k + r for r in [str(i) for i in dvars]] for k in ['i', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']] vlist = [] offset = len(self.model.model.variables) for vars in zip(*helpers): vlist.extend(self.model.add_variables_to_model(vars, lb=ilb, ub=iub, var_types=itype)) trows, tcols = template_matrix.shape template_full = zeros((trows * len(dvars), tcols * len(dvars))) diag = zeros((trows * len(dvars), len(dvars))) crow = zeros((trows * len(dvars),)) indicators = [] for i in range(len(dvars)): template_full[i * trows: (i + 1) * trows, i * tcols:(i + 1) * tcols] = template_matrix diag[(i * trows) + 4][i] = 1 diag[(i * trows) + 5][i] = 1 crow[(i * trows) + 5] = -1 indicators.append(tuple([(i * trows) + 4, len(dvars) + (i * tcols) + 2, 1])) indicators.append(tuple([(i * trows) + 5, len(dvars) + (i * tcols) + 4, 1])) nrowmat = hstack([diag, template_full, crow.reshape(-1, 1)]) vlist += [self.model.get_c_variable()] vlist = [self.model.model.variables[i] for i in dvars] + vlist new_ivars = [(i * 5) + offset for i in range(len(dvars))] self.__ivars.extend(new_ivars) self.model.add_rows_to_model(nrowmat, row_blb, row_bub, only_nonzero=True, indicator_rows=indicators, vars=vlist) self.indicator_map.update(dict(zip(dvars, new_ivars))) def __add_kshortest_indicators_big_m(self): """ Adds the constraints and indicator variables that correspond to each manipulated variable using a big-M formulation. Performance and numerical stability issues may arise with complex problems. """ dvars = self.__dvars M = self.__m_value template_matrix = array([[1, -M], [-1, 1]]) nrowmat = zeros([len(dvars) * 2] * 2) for i in range(len(dvars)): nrowmat[i * 2:i * 2 + 2, i * 2:i * 2 + 2] = template_matrix offset = len(self.model.model.variables) ivar_instances = self.model.add_variables_to_model(['i' + str(i) for i in range(len(dvars))], lb=[0] * len(dvars), ub=[1] * len(dvars), var_types=VAR_BINARY) dvar_instances = [self.model.model.variables[i] for i in dvars] vlist = list(chain(*list(zip(dvar_instances, ivar_instances)))) self.__ivars = [i + offset for i in range(len(dvars))] self.model.add_rows_to_model(nrowmat, [None] * (len(dvars) * 2), [0] * (len(dvars) * 2), only_nonzero=True, vars=vlist) self.indicator_map = dict(zip(dvars, self.__ivars)) def __add_efp_auxiliary_constraints(self): """ Adds indicator constraints according to the EFP formulation by Kaleta et al. """ self.__efp_auxiliary_map = {} itype = VAR_BINARY indicator_vars = [self.model.model.variables[v] for v in self.__ivars] ilb, iub = [0] * len(indicator_vars), [1] * len(indicator_vars) offset = len(self.model.model.variables) helpers = self.model.add_variables_to_model(['efp_h' + str(i) for i in range(len(indicator_vars))], lb=ilb, ub=iub, var_types=itype) self.__efp_auxiliary_map = dict(zip(self.__ivars, [offset+i for i in range(len(helpers))])) vlist = indicator_vars + helpers mat_template = identity(len(self.indicator_map)) mat = hstack([mat_template, -mat_template]) rhs_l = [0] * len(self.indicator_map) rhs_u = [None] * len(self.indicator_map) print('MILP2') ## Adding MILP2 self.model.add_rows_to_model(mat, rhs_l, rhs_u, only_nonzero=True, indicator_rows=None, vars=vlist, names=None) print('MILP4') ## Adding MILP4 self.model.add_rows_to_model(ones([1, len(indicator_vars)]), [1], [None], only_nonzero=True, indicator_rows=None, vars=helpers, names=None) def __add_exclusivity_constraints(self): """ Adds constraints so that fluxes with two assigned dvars will only have one of the indicators active (flux must not be carried through both senses at once to avoid cancellation) ------- """ exclusive_dvars = {k: v for k, v in self.__dvar_mapping.items() if isinstance(v, (tuple, list))} M, N = len(exclusive_dvars), len(self.__dvars) smat = zeros((M, N)) for k, n in enumerate(exclusive_dvars.items()): idx, v = n if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): v = array([v]) else: v = array(v) smat[k][v] = 1 self.model.add_rows_to_model(smat, [None] * M, [1] * M, True, vars=[self.model.model.variables[self.indicator_map[k]] for k in self.__dvars]) def __set_objective(self): """ Defines the objective for the optimization problem (Minimize the sum of all indicator variables) ------- """ vars = [self.model.model.variables[i] for i in self.__ivars] self.model.set_objective(ones(len(vars), ), minimize=True, vars=vars) def __integer_cut_count(self): """ Returns the amount of integer cuts added to the model ------- """ return len(self.__integer_cuts) def __add_integer_cut(self, value_map, efp_cut=False, equality=False, length_override=1, eps=1e-6): """ Adds an integer cut based on a map of flux values (from a solution). Parameters ---------- value_map: A dictionary mapping solver variables with values force_sol: Boolean value indicating whether the solution is to be excluded or forced. ------- """ if efp_cut: assert self.__efp_auxiliary_map is not None, 'Error: trying to set an integer cut for an EFP problem without any auxiliary variable' cut_length, cut_vars = 0, [] for var, dvl in self.__dvar_mapping.items(): if not isinstance(dvl, (tuple, list)): dvl = [dvl] dvars_idx = [self.__dvars[k] for k in dvl] indicator_idx = [self.indicator_map[k] for k in dvars_idx] if sum([abs(value_map[i]) for i in indicator_idx]) > eps: cut_vars.extend([self.model.model.variables[k] for k in indicator_idx]) if efp_cut: cut_vars.extend([self.model.model.variables[self.__efp_auxiliary_map[k]] for k in indicator_idx]) cut_length += 1 rhs_value = cut_length - (length_override * int(not efp_cut)) cut = self.model.add_rows_to_model( S_new=ones((1, len(cut_vars))), b_lb=[rhs_value if equality else None], b_ub=[rhs_value], only_nonzero=True, vars=cut_vars ) cut[0].name = '_'.join( [str(k) for k in ['IC_OV', length_override, 'EQ' if equality else 'LE', len(self.__integer_cuts)]]) self.__integer_cuts.append(cut)
[docs] def set_size_constraint(self, start_at, equal=False): """ Defines the size constraint for the K-shortest algorithms. Parameters ---------- start_at: Size from which the solutions will be obtained. equal: Boolean indicating whether the solutions will match the size or can be higher than it. ------- """ # TODO: Find a way to add a single constraint with two bounds. self.model.model.update() if 'KSH_SizeConstraint_' in self.model.model.constraints: cns = self.model.model.constraints['KSH_SizeConstraint_'] self.model.set_constraint_bounds([cns], [start_at], [start_at if equal else None]) else: c = ones((1, len(self.__ivars))) vars = [self.model.model.variables[i] for i in self.__ivars] constraint = self.model.add_rows_to_model(c, [start_at], [start_at if equal else None], only_nonzero=False, vars=vars, names=['KSH_SizeConstraint_'])[0] self.model.model.update()
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Returns the solver instance. ------- """ return self.model
def __optimize(self): """ Optimizes the model and returns a single KShortestSolution instance for the model, adding an exclusion integer cut for it. ------- """ try: sol = self.optimizer.optimize() status = sol.status() if status == 'optimal': var_values = dict(zip(list(range(len(sol.x()))), sol.x())) sol = KShortestSolution(var_values, status, self.indicator_map, self.__dvar_mapping, self.__dvars, names=self.__vnames) return sol except Exception as e: print(e) def __populate(self): """ Finds all feasible MIP solutions for the problem and returns them as a list of KShortestSolution instances. Returns a list of KShortestSolution instances ------- """ # self.model.write('indicator_efmmodel.lp') ## For debug purposes sols = [] try: rawsols = self.optimizer.populate(999999) for sol in rawsols: var_values = dict(zip(list(range(len(sol.x()))), sol.x())) sols.append(KShortestSolution(var_values, None, self.indicator_map, self.__dvar_mapping, self.__dvars, names=self.__vnames)) for sol in sols: self.__add_integer_cut(sol.var_values(), efp_cut=self.is_efp_problem) return sols except Exception as e: raise e
[docs] def solution_iterator(self, maximum_amount=2 ** 31 - 1): """ Generates a solution iterator. Each next call will yield a single solution. This method should be used to allow flexibility when enumerating EFMs for large problems. Since it uses the optimize routine, this may be slower in the longer term. ------- """ i = 0 self.set_size_constraint(1) failed = False while not failed and i < maximum_amount: try: result = self.get_single_solution() i += 1 yield result except Exception as e: print('Enumeration ended:', e) failed = True
[docs] def population_iterator(self, max_size): """ Generates a solution iterator that yields a list of solutions. Each next call returns all EFMs for a single size starting from 1 up to max_size. Parameters ---------- max_size: The maximum solution size. Returns a list of KShortestSolution instances. ------- """ for i in range(1, max_size + 1): # print('Starting size', str(i)) try: self.set_size_constraint(i, True) sols = self.populate_current_size() yield sols if sols is not None else [] except Exception as e: print('No solutions or error occurred at size ', i) raise e
[docs] def populate_current_size(self): """ Returns the solutions for the current size. Use the population_iterator method instead. ------- """ sols = self.__populate() return sols
[docs] def get_single_solution(self): """ Returns a single solution. Use the solution_iterator method instead. ------- """ sol = self.__optimize() if sol is None: raise Exception('Solution is empty') self.__add_integer_cut(sol.var_values(), efp_cut=self.is_efp_problem) return sol
[docs] def reset_enumerator_state(self): """ Resets all integer cuts and size constraints. ------- """ self.optimizer = LinearSystemOptimizer(self.model, build=False) self.model.model.remove(self.__integer_cuts) self.__integer_cuts = [] self.set_size_constraint(1)
[docs]class KShortestEFMAlgorithm(object): """ A higher level class to use the K-Shortest algorithms. This encompasses the standard routine for enumeration of EFMs. Requires a configuration defining an algorithms type. See <KShortestProperties> """ def __init__(self, configuration, verbose=True): """ Parameters ---------- configuration: A KShortestProperties instance verbose: Boolean indicating whether to print useful messages while enumerating. """ assert configuration.__class__ == KShortestProperties, 'Configuration class is not KShortestProperties' self.configuration = configuration self.verbose = verbose def __prepare(self, linear_system, excluded_sets, forced_sets): ## TODO: Change this method's name """ Enumerates the elementary modes for a linear system Parameters ---------- linear_system: A KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem instance excluded_sets: Iterable[Tuple[Solution/Tuple]] with solutions to exclude from the enumeration forced_sets: Iterable[Tuple[Solution/Tuple]] with solutions to force ------- Returns a list with solutions encoding elementary flux modes. """ assert self.configuration.has_required_properties(), "Algorithm configuration is missing required parameters." self.ksh = KShortestEnumerator( linear_system=linear_system, m_value=self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_BIG_M_VALUE], is_efp_problem=self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_MPROPERTY_TYPE_EFP], force_non_cancellation=self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_FORCE_NON_CANCELLATION], n_threads=self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_N_THREADS], workmem=self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_WORKMEMORY]) if excluded_sets is not None: self.ksh.exclude_solutions(excluded_sets) if forced_sets is not None: self.ksh.force_solutions(forced_sets)
[docs] def enumerate(self, linear_system, excluded_sets=None, forced_sets=None): """ Enumerates the elementary modes for a linear system Parameters ---------- linear_system: A KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem instance excluded_sets: Iterable[Tuple[Solution/Tuple]] with solutions to exclude from the enumeration forced_sets: Iterable[Tuple[Solution/Tuple]] with solutions to force ------- Returns a list with solutions encoding elementary flux modes. """ enumerator = self.get_enumerator(linear_system, excluded_sets, forced_sets) sols = list(enumerator) if self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_MPROPERTY_METHOD] == K_SHORTEST_METHOD_POPULATE: sols = list(chain(*sols)) # DEBUG # linear_system.write_to_lp('test.lp') return sols
[docs] def get_enumerator(self, linear_system, excluded_sets, forced_sets): """ Parameters ---------- linear_system: A KShortestCompatibleLinearSystem instance excluded_sets: Iterable[Tuple[Solution/Tuple]] with solutions to exclude from the enumeration forced_sets: Iterable[Tuple[Solution/Tuple]] with solutions to force Returns an iterator that yields one or multiple EFMs at each iteration, depending on the properties. """ self.__prepare(linear_system, excluded_sets, forced_sets) if self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_MPROPERTY_METHOD] == K_SHORTEST_METHOD_ITERATE: limit = self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_MAXSOLUTIONS] if limit is None: limit = 1 warnings.warn(Warning( 'You have not defined a maximum solution size for the enumeration process. Defaulting to 1.')) return self.ksh.solution_iterator(limit) elif self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_MPROPERTY_METHOD] == K_SHORTEST_METHOD_POPULATE: limit = self.configuration[K_SHORTEST_OPROPERTY_MAXSIZE] if limit is None: warnings.warn( Warning('You have not defined a maximum size for the enumeration process. Defaulting to size 1.')) limit = 1 return self.ksh.population_iterator(limit) else: raise Exception('Algorithm type is invalid! If you see this message, something went wrong!')
### Parameters
[docs]class InterventionProblem(object): """ Class containing functions useful when defining an problem using the intervention problem framework. References: [1] Hädicke, O., & Klamt, S. (2011). Computing complex metabolic intervention strategies using constrained minimal cut sets. Metabolic engineering, 13(2), 204-213. """ def __init__(self, S): """ Object that generates target matrices for a given set of constraints admissible for an intervention problem Parameters ---------- S: The stoichiometric matrix used to generate the enumeration problem """ self.__num_rx = S.shape[1]
[docs] def generate_target_matrix(self, constraints): """ Parameters: ---------- constraints: An iterable containing valid constraints of Returns a tuple (T,b) with two elements: T is numpy 2D array with as many rows specifying individual bounds (lower and upper bounds count as two) for each reaction. b is a numpy 1D array with the right hand side of the T.v > b inequality. This represents the value of the bound. """ constraint_pairs = [const.materialize(self.__num_rx) for const in constraints] Tlist, blist = list(zip(*constraint_pairs)) T = concatenate(Tlist, axis=0) b = array(list(chain(*blist))) return T, b
[docs]class AbstractConstraint(object): """ Object representing a constraint to be used within the intervention problem structures provided in this package. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def materialize(self, n): """ Generates a matrix T 1-by-n or 2-by-n and a list b of length 1 or 2 to be used for target flux vector definition within the intervention problem framework Parameters: n: Number of columns to include in the target matrix Returns: Tuple with Iterable[ndarray] and list of float/int """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def from_tuple(tup): """ Generates a constraint from a tuple. Refer to subclasses for each specific format. Returns ------- """ return
[docs]class DefaultFluxbound(AbstractConstraint): """ Class representing bounds for a single flux with a lower and an upper bound. """ def __init__(self, lb, ub, r_index): """ Parameters ---------- lb: Numerical lower bound ub: Numerical upper bound r_index: Reaction index on the stoichiometric matrix to which this bound belongs """ self.__r_index = r_index self.__lb = lb self.__ub = ub
[docs] def materialize(self, n): Tx = [] b = [] if self.__lb != None: Tlb = zeros((1, n)) Tlb[0, self.__r_index] = -1 b.append(-self.__lb) Tx.append(Tlb) if self.__ub != None: Tub = zeros((1, n)) Tub[0, self.__r_index] = 1 b.append(self.__ub) Tx.append(Tub) return concatenate(Tx, axis=0), b
[docs] def from_tuple(tup): """ Returns a DefaultFluxbound instance from a tuple containing a reaction index as well as lower and upper bounds. ------- """ index, lb, ub = tup return DefaultFluxbound(lb, ub, index)
[docs]class DefaultYieldbound(AbstractConstraint): """ Class representing a constraint on a yield between two fluxes. Formally, this constraint can be represented as n - yd < b, assuming n and d as the numerator and denominator fluxes (yield(N,D) = N/D), y as the maximum yield and b as a deviation value. """ def __init__(self, lb, ub, numerator_index, denominator_index, deviation=0): """ Parameters ---------- lb: numerical lower bound ub: numerical upper bound numerator_index: reaction index for the flux in the numerator denominator_index: reaction index for the flux in the denominator deviation: numerical deviation for the target space """ self.__lb = lb self.__ub = ub self.__numerator_index = numerator_index self.__denominator_index = denominator_index self.__deviation = deviation if not deviation is None else 0
[docs] def materialize(self, n): Tx = [] b = [] if self.__lb != None: Tlb = zeros((1, n)) Tlb[0, self.__numerator_index] = -1 Tlb[0, self.__denominator_index] = self.__lb b.append(self.__deviation) Tx.append(Tlb) if self.__ub != None: Tub = zeros((1, n)) Tub[0, self.__numerator_index] = 1 Tub[0, self.__denominator_index] = - self.__ub b.append(self.__deviation) Tx.append(Tub) return concatenate(Tx, axis=0), b
[docs] def from_tuple(tup): """ Returns a DefaultYieldbound instance from a tuple containing numerator and denominator indices, yield lower and upper bounds, a flag indicating whether it's an upper bound and a deviation (optional) ------- """ n, d, ylb, yub = tup[:4] if len(tup) > 4: dev = tup[4] return DefaultYieldbound(ylb, yub, n, d, dev)