Source code for cobamp.core.optimization

import string, random, shutil
from numpy import nan, array, int_, float_, abs, zeros, max
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]def random_string_generator(N): """ Parameters ---------- N : an integer Returns a random string of uppercase character and digits of length N ------- """ return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(N))
[docs]class Solution(object): """ Class representing a solution to a given linear optimization problem. Includes an internal dictionary for additional information to be included. """ def __init__(self, value_map, status, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- value_map: A dictionary mapping variable indexes with their values as determined by the solver status: An object (preferrably str or int) containing the solution status kwargs: Any additional information to be included in the attribute_dict variable that can be accessed by the <self.attribute_value> function. """ self.__var_names = None self.__value_map = value_map self.__status = status self.__attribute_dict = {k:v for k,v in kwargs.items() if k != 'names'} if 'names' in kwargs: self.__var_names = kwargs['names'] if 'objective_value' in kwargs: self.__obj_value = kwargs['objective_value'] def __getitem__(self, item): if hasattr(item, '__iter__') and not isinstance(item, str): return {k: self.__value_map[k] for k in item} elif isinstance(item, str): return self.__value_map[item] else: raise TypeError('\'item\' is not a sequence or string.')
[docs] def to_series(self): if self.__var_names != None: return pd.Series({self.__var_names[i]:self.__value_map[i] for i in range(len(self.__var_names))}) else: return pd.Series(self.var_values())
[docs] def set_attribute(self, key, value): """ Sets the value of a given <key> as <value>. Parameters ---------- key - A string value - Any object to be associated with the supplied key ------- """ self.__attribute_dict[key] = value
[docs] def var_values(self): """ Returns a dict mapping reaction indices with the variable values. ------- """ return self.__value_map
[docs] def status(self): """ Returns the status of this solution, as supplied by the solver. ------- """ return self.__status
[docs] def attribute_value(self, attribute_name): """ Parameters ---------- attribute_name: A dictionary key (preferrably str) Returns the value associated with the supplied key ------- """ return self.__attribute_dict[attribute_name]
[docs] def attribute_names(self): """ Returns all keys present in the attribute dictionary. ------- """ return self.__attribute_dict.keys()
[docs] def objective_value(self): """ Returns the objective value for this solution """ return self.__obj_value
[docs] def x(self): ''' Returns a ndarray with the solution values in order (from the variables) ''' return array(list(self.__value_map.values()))
[docs]class LinearSystemOptimizer(object): """ Class with methods to solve a <LinearSystem> as a linear optimization problem. """ def __init__(self, linear_system, hard_fail=False, build=True): """ Parameters ---------- linear_system: A <LinearSystem> instance. hard_fail: A boolean flag indicating whether an Exception is raised when the optimization fails """ if build: linear_system.build_problem() self.solver = linear_system.solver self.model = linear_system.get_model() self.hard_fail = hard_fail
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Internal function to instantiate the solver and return a solution to the optimization problem Parameters ---------- objective: A List[Tuple[coef,name]], where coef is an objective coefficient and name is the name of the variable to be optimized. minimize: A boolean that, when True, defines the problem as a minimization Returns a <Solution> instance ------- """ names = self.model._get_variables_names() value_map = OrderedDict([(v, nan) for v in names]) status = None ov = nan # self.model.configuration.tolerances.feasibility = 1e-9 # TODO this is for a test, to delete later # self.model.configuration.tolerances.optimality = 1e-6 # TODO this is for a test, to delete later # tINIT test parameters # self.model.problem.Params.MIPGap = 1e-9 # self.model.configuration.tolerances.feasibility = 1e-8 # self.model.configuration.tolerances.optimality = 1e-8 # self.model.configuration.verbosity = 3 try: self.model.optimize() values = self.model._get_primal_values() value_map = OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in zip(names, values)]) status = self.model.status ov = self.model.objective.value except Exception as e: frozen_exception = e if status or not self.hard_fail: return Solution(value_map, self.model.status, objective_value=ov) else: raise frozen_exception
[docs] def populate(self, limit=None): intf_dict = { 'CPLEX': self.__populate_cplex, 'GUROBI': self.__populate_gurobi } if self.solver in ['CPLEX', 'GUROBI']: return intf_dict[self.solver](limit) else: raise ValueError('The provided solver does not have an implemented populate function. Choose from' + ''.join(list(intf_dict.keys())))
def __populate_cplex(self, limit=None): instance = self.model.problem if not limit: instance.parameters.mip.pool.capacity = instance.parameters.mip.pool.capacity.max() else: instance.parameters.mip.pool.capacity = limit vnames = instance.variables.get_names() mnames = self.model._get_variables_names() solutions = [] try: instance.populate_solution_pool() pool_intf = instance.solution.pool nsols = pool_intf.get_num() for s in range(nsols): vmap = {k: v for k, v in zip(vnames, pool_intf.get_values(s))} ord_vmap = OrderedDict([(k, vmap[k]) for k in mnames]) sol = Solution(ord_vmap, 'optimal', objective_value=pool_intf.get_objective_value(s)) # TODO: get status dict from optlang and use it accordingly solutions.append(sol) except Exception as e: print(e) return solutions def __populate_gurobi(self, limit=None): instance = self.model.problem solutions = [] instance.params.PoolSolutions = limit instance.params.SolutionNumber = 0 try: instance.optimize() mnames = self.model._get_variables_names() if instance.SolCount > 0: for n in range(instance.SolCount): instance.params.SolutionNumber = n ord_vmap = OrderedDict([(k, instance.getVarByName(k).Xn) for k in mnames]) sol = Solution(ord_vmap, 'optimal', objective_value=instance.PoolObjVal) solutions.append(sol) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: instance.params.SolutionNumber = 0 return solutions
[docs]class CORSOSolution(Solution): def __init__(self, sol_max, sol_min, f, index_map, var_names, eps=1e-8): x = sol_min.x() rev = index_map[max(index_map) + 1:] nx = x[:max(index_map) + 1] nx[rev] = x[rev] - sol_min.x()[max(index_map) + 1:-1] nx[abs(nx) < eps] = 0 nvalmap = OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in zip(var_names, nx)]) super().__init__(nvalmap, [sol_max.status(), sol_min.status()], objective_value=f)
[docs]class GIMMESolution(Solution): def __init__(self, sol, exp_vector, var_names, mapping=None): self.exp_vector = exp_vector gimme_solution = sol.x() if mapping: gimme_solution = [max(gimme_solution[array(new)]) if isinstance(new, (tuple, list)) else gimme_solution[new] for orig, new in mapping.items()] super().__init__( value_map=OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in zip(var_names, gimme_solution)]), status=sol.status(), objective_value=sol.objective_value() )
[docs] def get_reaction_activity(self, flux_threshold): gimme_fluxes = array([kv[1] for i, kv in enumerate(self.var_values().items())]) activity = zeros(gimme_fluxes.shape) ones = (self.exp_vector > flux_threshold) | (self.exp_vector == -1) twos = gimme_fluxes > 0 activity[ones] = 1 activity[twos & ~ones] = 2 return activity
[docs]class KShortestSolution(Solution): """ A Solution subclass that also contains attributes suitable for elementary flux modes such as non-cancellation sums of split reactions and reaction activity. """ SIGNED_INDICATOR_SUM = 'signed_indicator_map' SIGNED_VALUE_MAP = 'signed_value_map' def __init__(self, value_map, status, indicator_map, dvar_mapping, dvars, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- value_map: A dictionary mapping variable names with values status: See <Solution> indicator_map: A dictionary mapping indicators with dvar_mapping: A mapping between reaction indices and solver variables (Tuple[str] or str) kwargs: See <Solution> """ signed_value_map = { i: value_map[dvars[varlist[0]]] - value_map[dvars[varlist[1]]] if isinstance(varlist, (tuple, list)) else value_map[dvars[varlist]] for i, varlist in dvar_mapping.items()} signed_indicator_map = { i: value_map[indicator_map[dvars[varlist[0]]]] - value_map[indicator_map[dvars[varlist[1]]]] if isinstance( varlist, (tuple, list)) else value_map[indicator_map[dvars[varlist]]] for i, varlist in dvar_mapping.items()} super().__init__(value_map, status, **kwargs) self.set_attribute(self.SIGNED_VALUE_MAP, signed_value_map) self.set_attribute(self.SIGNED_INDICATOR_SUM, signed_indicator_map)
[docs] def get_active_indicator_varids(self): """ Returns the indices of active indicator variables (maps with variables on the original stoichiometric matrix) ------- """ return [k for k, v in self.attribute_value(self.SIGNED_INDICATOR_SUM).items() if abs(v) > 1e-10]