Source code for cobamp.core.transformer

import abc
from cobamp.nullspace.subset_reduction import subset_reduction
from cobamp.utilities.property_management import PropertyDictionary
from cobamp.core.models import ConstraintBasedModel
from numpy import array, nonzero, ndarray
from itertools import chain, product
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class ModelTransformer(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def transform(self, args, properties): # args must be: # - a dict with 'S', 'lb', 'ub' keys # - a ConstraintBasedModel if isinstance(args, dict): assert len(set(args.keys()) & {'S', 'lb', 'ub'}) == len(set(args.keys())), 'args must contain at least S' + \ ', lb, and ub key-value pairs' S, lb, ub = [args[k] for k in ['S', 'lb', 'ub']] return self.transform_array(S, lb, ub, properties) elif isinstance(args, ConstraintBasedModel): S = args.get_stoichiometric_matrix() lb, ub = args.get_bounds_as_list() new_properties = deepcopy(properties) for k in ['block','keep']: if new_properties[k] != None: new_properties[k] = [args.decode_index(r,'reaction') for r in properties[k]] Sn, lbn, ubn, mapping, metabs = self.transform_array(S, lb, ub, new_properties) reaction_names_new = [new_properties['reaction_id_sep'].join([args.reaction_names[i] for i in mapping.from_new(i)]) for i in range(len(lbn))] modeln = ConstraintBasedModel( S=Sn, thermodynamic_constraints=[list(k) for k in list(zip(lbn, ubn))], reaction_names=reaction_names_new, metabolite_names= [args.metabolite_names[k] for k in metabs] ) return modeln, mapping, metabs
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def transform_array(self, S, lb, ub, properties): ## TODO: implement # must return: # - new S matrix # - new lower/upper bounds # - mapping between rows/cols from both matrices # mapping = ReactionIndexMapping({}, {}) # metabs = [] # return S, lb, ub, mapping, metabs return
[docs]class ReactionIndexMapping(object): def __init__(self, otn, nto): self.otn = otn self.nto = nto
[docs] def from_original(self, idx): return self.otn[idx]
[docs] def from_new(self, idx): return self.nto[idx]
[docs] def multiply(self, new_ids): return list(product(*[self.from_new(k) for k in set(new_ids)]))
[docs]class SubsetReducerProperties(PropertyDictionary): def __init__(self, keep=None, block=None, absolute_bounds=False, reaction_id_sep='_+_'): def is_list(x): return isinstance(x, (tuple, list, ndarray)) new_optional = { 'keep': lambda x: is_list(x) or type(x) == None, 'block': lambda x: is_list(x) or type(x) == None, 'absolute_bounds': bool, 'reaction_id_sep': str } super().__init__(optional_properties=new_optional) for name, value in zip(['keep', 'block', 'absolute_bounds', 'reaction_id_sep'], [keep, block, absolute_bounds, reaction_id_sep]): self.add_if_not_none(name, value)
[docs] def reduce(self, S, lb, ub, keep=(), block=(), absolute_bounds=False): lb, ub = list(map(array, [lb, ub])) to_keep, to_block = [], [] irrev = (lb >= 0) | ((ub <= 0) & (lb <= 0)) if block: to_block = array(block) if keep: to_keep = array(keep) rd, sub, irrev_reduced, rdind, irrv_subsets, kept_reactions, K, _ = subset_reduction( S, irrev, to_keep_single=to_keep, to_remove=to_block) mapping = self.get_transform_maps(sub) nlb = [0 if irrev_reduced[k] else None for k in range(rd.shape[1])] nub = [None] * rd.shape[1] if absolute_bounds: nlb = [0 if irrev_reduced[k] else -float('inf') for k in range(rd.shape[1])] nub = [float('inf')] * rd.shape[1] alb, aub = list(zip(*[[fx([x[k] for k in mapping.from_new(i)]) for x, fx in zip([lb, ub], [max, min])] for i in range(rd.shape[1])])) for func, pair in zip([max, min], [[nlb, alb], [nub, aub]]): new, absolute = pair for i, v in enumerate(absolute): new[i] = func(new[i], absolute[i]) return rd, nlb, nub, mapping, rdind
[docs] def transform_array(self, S, lb, ub, properties): k, b, a = (properties[k] for k in ['keep', 'block', 'absolute_bounds']) Sn, lbn, ubn, mapping, metabs = self.reduce(S, lb, ub, k, b, a) return Sn, lbn, ubn, mapping, metabs
[docs] def get_transform_maps(self, sub): new_to_orig = {i: list(nonzero(sub[i, :])[0]) for i in range(sub.shape[0])} orig_to_new = dict(chain(*[[(i, k) for i in v] for k, v in new_to_orig.items()])) return ReactionIndexMapping(orig_to_new, new_to_orig)